Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ryuusei no Rockman Rom for download!

Yes! It is as the titile says!
This isn't november 13, 2008 yet, but the rom (used for emulators and SD cards) are out!!!

Ryuusei no Rockman 3 Black Ace

Ryuusei no Rockman 3 Red Joker

Credits: ohh44 from , The Rockman Center Thailand


Zephuros said...

I have no idea how ohh44 get the game even before it is released =[]=!!!
ps. actually I knew this about 5 hours ago, but I don't have a chance to post this on my blog - -"

livingwithaliens said...

O.o; woah, how does that work? I think I'll start with Black Ace.

Zephuros said...

Ack, sorry, I was mistaken
this is the [Rom] for the game, and you need an [emulator] for the NDS to play it.
I'm currently using No$GBA2.6a it works fine for about 80%. You can contact me by mail if you want it 'w'/

Adi Mur said...

it's not even working? how do u work it