Details of abilities for Finalized Noise Change and Noise Change of Ryuusei no Rockman 3 !!
Black Ace abilities:
-The Battle Cards in the Folder will automatically changed into a specialized folder
-x2 to War-rock's attack Battle Cards
-Buster Level MAX
-No Charged Shots
-Finalized Noise could Stay only for 3 turns (then the Noise % would go down to 0%)
-Auto Lock (the lock on cursors would appear on an enemy automactically)
-Quick Guage (faster custom gauge)
-Air Shoes (can float on empty panels)
-Float Shoes (isn't effect by any negative panels)
-NOTE: Black Ace gains x2 damage to all cards (non-freezing cards) becuase of the Auto Lock
-NFB: Black End Galaxy [3x3 panel; Damage: 500]
Red Joker abilities:
-The Battle Cards in the Folder will automatically changed into a specialized folder
-x2 to War-rock's attack Battle Cards
-Buster Level MAX
-No Charged Shots
-Finalized Noise could Stay only for 3 turns (then the Noise % would go down to 0%)
-Super Armor (won't cause to flinch back)
-Status Gaurd (immune to all negative status: freezing, paralyze, blind, bubbling, and confusion)
-NOTE: Red Joker can gain a x2 damage (non-freezing cards) by using War-rock attacks
-NFB: Red Gaia Eraser [3x4 panel; Damage: 600 middle column, 400 right/left column]
Noise Changes (Black Ace version):
Libra Noise:
-Neutral type
-Weak against Breaking
-+10 damage to fire and aqua cards
-5% HP recovery when using non-elemental cards
-charged shot becomes "Side Spread" [damage: (attack x 5) x 3 hits; down one column two panels side if target hitted]
-NFB is "Meteorite Barrage" [3x3 panel; damage: 130x2; breaking element]
Corvus Noise:
-Fire type
-weak against Aqua
-+30 damage to fire cards
-immune to poison panels
-HP bugs, or the Black Hole card
-charged shot becomes "Shocking Flare" [damage: ?? ; one column down; flinching, inflictes invincibility, inflicts gravity plus; fire element]
-NFB is "Atomic Blazer" [3x4 panel; damage: 400;flinching, inflicts invincibility fire element]
Cancer Noise:
-Aqua type
-weak against Elec
-+30 damage to aqua cards
-aqua cards will bubble the opponent
-charged shot becomes "Bubble Shoot" [damage: ??; enemy will be in bubble; aqua element]
-NFB is "Dynamic Wave" [whole field; damage: 100x3; flinching, inflicts invincibility; water element]
Gemini Noise:
-Elec type
-weak aginst Wood
-+30 to elec cards
-swords will paralyze
-gains the ability to use the Tag system from EXE6 when equipped
-charged shot becomes "Rocket Knuckle" [damage: attack x 10; flinching, paralyzes, breaking; elec/breaking element]
-NFB is "Thunderbolt Blade" [3x3 panel infront of closest enemy; damage: 100 x 3; elec element; flinching, paralyzes]
Ophiuchus Noise:
-Wood type
-weak against Fire
-+20 damage to wood cards
-non-elemental cards will confuse opponents
-immune to confusion or blindness
-charged shot becomes "Green Shot" [damage: attack x 10; lays 3x3 grass panel; wood element]
-NFB is "Elemental Cyclone" [whole field; damage: 120 x 3; flinching, removes barrier; wood/wind element]
Noise Changes (Red Joker version)
Cygnus Noise:
- Neutral type
-weak against swords
-+10 to non-elemental cards
-+30 to wind cards
-Air Shoes
-Float Shoes
-charged shot becomes "Feather Vulcan" [damage: (attack x 5) x 3 hits; panel behind target also hitted; wind element]
-NFB is "Meteorite Barrage" [3x3 panel; damage: 130x2; breaking element]
Ox Noise:
-Fire type
-weak against aqua,
-+50 to fire cards
-Super Armor
-Auto-Lock on non-elemental Break cards
-charged shot becomes "Heat Cannon" [damage: (attack x 10) + 20; if target hitted the back row would be hitted too; flinching, invincibility; fire element]
-NFB is "Atomic Blazer" [3x4 panel; damage: 400; flincing, inflicts invincibility; fire element]
Virgo Noise:
-Aqua type
-weak against elec
-+30 to aqua cards
-immune to freezing and bubbling
-charged shot becomes "Aqua Wave" [damage: ??; inflicts invincibility; aqua element]
-NFB is "Dynamic Wave" [whole field; damage: 100 x 3; inflicts invincibility; aqua element]
Crown Noise:
-Elec type
-weak against wood
-+20 to elec cards
-summons a special card each turn
-non-elemental cards can inflict blindness
-charged shot is "Plasma Shot" [damage: ??; flinching; elec element]
-NFB is "Thunderbolt Blade" [3x3 panel on closest enemy; damage: 100 x 3; elec element]
Wolf Noise:
-Wood type
-weak against fire
-+10 to wood cards
-+30 to sword cards
-Quick Gauge
-Auto-lock on for wood cards
-charged shot becomes "Shock Claw" [damage: ??; wood/sword element]
-NFB is "Elemental Cyclone" [whole field; damage: 120 x 3; flinching, removes barrier; wood/wind element]
Burai Noise:
-none element
-sword cards +50
-Mu Rejection (starts every turn with 1 Hp Denpa Barrier)
-Non-time-freezing cards gain a short paralysis effect (also eliminates infliction of invincibility)
-Immunity to Lock On
-Buster Attack power doubles
-No charged shot
-No Noise Force Big Bang
-You must have no real brothers
PS. These information isn't complete yet, I still need to find about the Damage of the Charged Shots of the Finalized Noise and the Noise Change's NFB's Damage too. And it hasn't been checked yet!
Credits: The Undersquare, http://www.capcom.co.jp/ryusei3/hensin07.html (reference)
I'm finding the charged shots for each Noise Change/Finalized Noise... some I already had, but I'm not sure weither it's the charged shot or Battle Cards. But if I find out, I'll update in here!
Woah! Black Ace is awesome looking o_o
By the way, this is my old account http://ms06zakuii.blogspot.com/
I got a new one, and this is it D: that's why I've been so inactive and stuff. So sorry about that ><
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