Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Noise Change Updates

Capcom has changed the URL and the looks of the official website of Ryuusei no Rockman 3!!!!
In the [Wave Station] they had informations about the Story, Character and Noise Change.
In the story section they will tell you about Meteor G and the Hunter VG.
The Character section would have details about Subaru, Gonta, Shidou, Solo and their wizards.
And in the Noise Change section they would have about % of noise changing and some pictures of Noise Change.

New Look: Options to choose [Wave Station], [Satellite Server], [Information]

The Meteor G

Spade Magnets

Picture: details

Samples of Wizards: Ox, War-rock and Acid

Noise Change [35.5%] Cygnus Noise


Noise Change forms: (left to right) Gemini Noise, Ox Noise, Libra Noise, Ophiuca Noise, and Cygnus Noise

Cancer Noise added (the most right one)

1 comment:

Zephuros said...

Truely,.... I don't like the looks of the Noise Change =[]=!!! Ah, man!! They look...terrible!!..orz
Capcom can't think of anything up anymore huh!??