Sunday, July 20, 2008

RnR3 update from Dengeki !!!

Once again, with updates from Dengeki Online!They wrote about the Meteor G (which I had already updated the picture since last time), a new boss character named Spade Magnets, and some battle views.

Ryuusei no Rockman 3!

Magnet, is a wizard used in the rocket room in Kodama Elementary's school (Subaru's school), he was affected by Noise Wave and turned him crazy.

After being affected by Noise Waves, he had dual swords and had a very high fighting skills until he was at the level of a Battle Wizard.

Some screenshots:

(Well... Subaru's new look)

Now the top screen which Subaru is usually is was swapped with the over-world screen.

Some screenshots in battle: New look at the touch screen

(Wonder what's the War-rock card with an attack at 100?)


Zephuros said...

Well.. capcom managed to get the game system out pretty cool..!
Har! But I can't still accept the Noise Change forms!! (back with the same topic...), btw why is Subaru's face in the third game so weird? (Do you feel it? It's getting more weird since the first game).

Anonymous said...

i thought the battle system was horizontal? or do we get to choose between the vertical and horizontal option? i hope its horizontal, like from the BN series....