Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Noise Change's Charged Shots/NFB

Finally! All screencaps for Charged Shots and Noise Force Big Bang for all Noise Changes!

Libra Noise:
Charged Shot: Side Spread

NFB: Meteorite Barrage

Corvus Noise:
Charged Shot: Shocking Flare

NFB: Atomic Blazer

Cancer Noise:
Charged Shot: Bubble Shoot

NFB: Dynamic Wave

Gemini Noise:
Charged Shot: Rocket Knuckle

NFB: Thunderbolt Blade

Ophiuchus Noise:
Charged Shot: Green Shot

NFB: Elemental Cyclone

Cygnus Noise:
Charged Shot: Feather Vulcan

NFB: Meteorite Barrage

Ox Noise:
Charged Shot: Heat Cannon

NFB: Atomic Blazer

Virgo Noise:
Charged Shot: Aqua Wave

NFB: Dynamic Wave

Crown Noise:
Charged Shot: Plasma Shot

NFB: Thunderbolt Blade

Wolf Noise:
Charged Shot: Shock Claw


Zephuros said...

Finallaaaaaaaaly *[]*!!! All Charged Shots and NFB!!!
p.s. You could check the details here 'w'/

Anonymous said...

Doesn't the sword that crown noise and gemini noise use for thunder bolt blade is the Zerker OOPart?