Friday, July 13, 2007

Rockman ZX Advent Rom Download !!! + Update of ZXA web [long time ago = =]

Here's the web for downloading the file : !!!!

Hope you enjoy it ^^
P.S I've already gone far ^^

Credits: RCT web


Since it's too less for a topic, I'll also say that ZXA has updated their last un-updated things.

They also update a little bit about the mini game in the play support section [the last section]

There's 2 new wallpaper, which is apparently cool, but not much [at least ok -*-]

and here's the link for the official web:


Zephuros said...

If someone would really care, I would have made more updates, even bits.. but I don't have like the word "support" , and I got sadness to fight with too. For someone that is supporting me with this web, which I don't know who, I'll say sorry, but I'll try to keep up.

Mad_Cartoonist said...

Yeah, I'm following your news. Just keep fighting!!

And yeah, nice wallpaper^^. Love it.