Here it comes, Burai Noise! Updated from the Henshin Section
Abilities: Buster Attack power doubles
Non-time-freezing cards gain a short paralysis effect (also eliminates infliction of invincibility)
Mu Rejection (starts every turn with 1 Hp Denpa Barrier)
Immunity to Lock On (and yet Burai Noise's opponent here is Cygnus Noise, which is weak to sword elements....)
Sword cards +50
Symbol of Mu (head), Visualize Predicter (glasses), Protecter - Burai (neck, shoulders, and both ears)
There's a mention that Burai Noise is Code Number [002] which is the same Trans Code for Burai
Noise Modification Gear: Diabolostage updated at Goods Section
Releas Date: January 29, 2009 for 210 yen
Example Cards you can obtain: Queen Virgo Noise (NKG), White Card 1b (white card), and Ultimate Finalize (rezon card)
Wave Master 2009 updated at the Event Section
Seperated into Junior, Senior, Kaizou Off Class
Junior (Grades 1-4): NKG, SS, WC enable
Senior (Grades 5-9): NKG, SS, WC enable
Kaizou Off (Grades 1-9): NKG/SS unable, WC enable
wow... Burai Noise is even in a deeper level in the Sattelite Server than Black Ace and Red Joker... what does this mean? Hmm... (a lot of topics to think of huh)
oh I want to reach that noise so bad but the problem is that I play nearby 45M a day @__@...and that in the school break too !!!
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